Student Progression

JHJ works with all students to provide ongoing support and services for academic and non-academic success. Academic advisers play a large role in ensuring students are knowledgeable about and prepared for their educational experience at JHJ. The mission of Academic Advising is to provide support and direction, as they navigate their experience at JHJ. Non-academically, the School focuses on engaging students as early as possible to inform them of policies, procedures, and support/success services and activities that will: (1) support their academic success, (2) provide opportunities for student engagement outside the classroom, (3) secure services that address the general student well-being, and (4) offer programming that provides opportunities to apply skills and knowledge. By providing targeted programming, such as the New Student Orientation, JHJ introduces students to the atmosphere and expectations of classroom engagement and participation.

Graduation and Retention Open
Scholarship Information Open
Licensure Exam Results Open
Job Placement Information Open
Internships & Employment Open